Businesses For Sale

Agriculture Commercial Services Construction and Engineering Distribution General Business Import/Export Manufacturing Professional Services

Our Services

  1. Review of business performance and undertaking a GAP analysis prior to Sale
    • Assess how the business is performing relative to peer businesses in your industry.
    • Consider where there may be short-comings which would impact a sale price eg:
      • Under utilisation of Assets resulting in low turnover ( Low utilisation rates )
      • Ineffective business development processes resulting in low bid rates
      • Poor bidding strategies resulting in low win rates
      • Poor EBITDA margin
      • High debtor days
      • Poor debt / equity ratio
      • Inefficient operating structure
      • Sub-optimal remuneration strategies
      • Diversity & inclusion

  2. Making recommendations to improve performance prior to sale
    • Make recommendations to improve profitability, debt equity ratio and cashflow prior to a sale
    • Possible suggestions for improvement in operating structure to increase efficiency.

  3. Facilitating M&A strategy workshops

    Often the shareholders are split between those wanting to engage in M&A activity and those that prefer the status quo. Holding a facilitated workshop with all the shareholders can often break this deadlock.

    The workshop would cover things like:
    • The PRO's & CON's of engaging in M&A activity, specific for your business.
    • What sort of engagement would be best:
      • Merger
      • Sale or Acquisition of Company (The ABN) 0r
      • Sale or Acquisition of business of the Company ( Order book & Staff contracts
      • What would the potential price range for a Sale or an Acquisition be
      • Who are potential targets

  4. Advising on company structures

    Assessing share structures, including classes of share, voting rights etc. And whether these are still appropriate for the business.

  5. Company valuations

    Prepare an estimated value range of your business in a sale or potential value range of target acquisitions

  6. Preparing your business for sale

    This may include some changes to the following:
    • Share structure
    • Director & shareholders remuneration
    • Paying off any debts
    • Making schedules of Assets
    • Making schedules of any Company owned IP
    • Adjusting strategy with a view on appropriate Short term / long term focus

  7. Assisting with negotiations and deal implementation

    We will assist you in attaining the best price, if selling, or acquiring at the most attractive price.

    Ensure that all important considerations are included in a "Heads of Agreement document"

    Assisting with negotiating the "Heads of Agreement" and then ensuring that all the key considerations are correctly translated into the "Sale of Shares" Deeds

    Assisting with any Sale formalities

  8. Advising on financing options for acquisitions

    Looking at possible financing options and how to structure them.

    Advising on potential lenders or potential venture capital options

  9. Assisting with Due diligence work

    If you are selling you want to do a due diligence of your business before a sale so there are no surprises.

    If you are Acquiring you need to do a thorough due diligence of the target company. Due diligence would include:
    • Legal
    • Operations
    • Financial
    • Tax
    • IT
    • HR

    For some of these, we will work with, or recommend relevant Professionals that we know and trust.

  10. Advising on integration and Change Management strategies

    This is arguably the most important part of an M& A activity and includes drawing up a detailed plan for each operating function including:
    • Finance
    • Marketing
    • IT
    • HR
    • Operations

This plan would cover how the target business would be integrated into the acquiring business so that revenue synergies and cost synergies are maximised, and would include plans for Brand transition and for establishing the desired Company culture for the combined entity and what change management is required to attain that culture.